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Zoe Connolly

Covid happened, the industry is starting to adjust, and now what? While we don't know how soon things will get back to normal or if this is our new normal, what we do know is that travel is starting to pick back up. This means hotels need to restaff and reopen. Let's focus on how we can find the best talent and get our teams to thrive. READ MORE

Suzanne McIntosh

The impact of 2020 will have a long term effect as millions of jobs were lost, hotels closed and businesses that depend on our industry were shuttered. This article shows how hiring managers can source and hire the very best candidates in this new environment. It will also give some guidance to job seekers on how to compete for the fewer positions that are available in this different employment landscape. READ MORE

Michael Strohmer

COVID-19 is the latest outcome in a volatile cycle of crises that have had devastating effects on the hospitality industry. While we don't know what the next crisis will be, we know that it will likely have similar impacts. But by understanding the conditions that have made the hospitality field particularly vulnerable to past crises, we can anticipate - and design for - the impact of future catastrophes or calamities. READ MORE

Sheetal Singh

As we seek diverse individuals to fill our organization's ever evolving human capital needs, we also need to ensure that we hire individuals that are a good fit for our organization. In this article we highlight the traps leaders need to avoid and how to look for similarity in value that helps them find candidates with good fit. READ MORE

Ines Barreiros

According to The Hotelier PULSE Report, an increasing number of hotels worldwide are prioritizing 'Social Media' as a means to engage with guests and drive direct bookings. But at what cost? This article will show you how to calculate what your hotel is investing toward your social media strategy vs the return on investment (ROI) for your business. READ MORE

James Ward

Devastated from COVID-19, our current focus is a return to normalcy. We terminated millions globally. Those who remain are tired and worn. Our mad rush to terminate left sentiments of distrust, distaste, and dissatisfaction. Future potential employees are encouraged to steer clear. Without a "call to action" on recruitment/ employee satisfaction we face rough waters ahead for talent acquisition. READ MORE

Ruby Gurrola

Anyone you ask will likely tell you that they couldn't wait to say adios to 2020. As you settle into 2021 and think of ways to thrive in this "new normal," take time to reflect on how 2020 changes your workplace and considering updating your HR practices. Read on to see the top four HR practices for you to consider implementing in your organization to set you up for success in 2021 and beyond. READ MORE

Cara Silletto

Healthy company cultures are marked by leaders who make time to stay connected to their staff. Leaders want staff who are 100% productive and who stay for years. But do those same leaders ever stop to ask what the staff members want or need? Learn the five ways self-aware and diligent leaders avoid becoming disconnected from staff by truly knowing their people. READ MORE

Florian Kittler

Can a virtual interview be enough to hire senior executives without meeting them face to face? Can a brand entice top talent to join based on a Zoom call? Florian Kittler from HVS Executive Search explores how virtual recruiting is becoming the new form and why hospitality companies should revisit their biggest strength and incorporate it into their hiring process. READ MORE

James O'Brien

Hotels have long been moving business processes online and into the cloud, but for many, I-9 compliance remains stuck in the age of paper. Electronic employment authorization verification systems should not be assumed to have legal compliance built in. Current law imposes additional requirements on employers which use I-9 electronic systems. HR must carefully vet such systems before deploying them. READ MORE

Adam Calli

What kind of support should a hotel executive receive from their HR team in 2021? And what kind of support should they expect their HR team to expect from them? Find out from an expert how HR has changed over the past 40+ years, how you should change with it, and how all will benefit along the way! READ MORE

James Houran

Psychology says that decision-making is complicated by a "speed-accuracy" trade-off. This issue becomes more salient as the post-pandemic "rebound and recovery" period approaches. Many organizations will need to increase their talent bench-strength quickly to meet pent-up demand. New psychometric research and AI-technologies confront the traditional trade-off by facilitating more efficient and effective hiring decisions than ever possible before. READ MORE

Michael Sturman, Ph.D.

When the COVID-19 pandemic finally comes under control, the hospitality industry will face a host of HR problems. This includes traditional challenges, plus new difficulties resulting from the pandemic's effects. Companies need to think not just about how they plan to restock the human capital lost due to the pandemic, but also carefully consider the timing of this recovery process. READ MORE

Frank Speranza

Will you have the leadership and service staff to take care of your guests when those empty spaces enjoy a robust recovery caused by potentially 24 months of pent-up travel demand? If you're not planning ahead, you could get caught in a staffing hole that is very hard to climb out of! Let's take a good look at the possible scenario that may await you... READ MORE

Bruce Tracey

The pandemic's lingering effects mean that continued emphasis on retrenchment and building resilience will remain priorities for HR professionals. In this article we explore some encouraging signs that the future of hotel work will offer even more enriching and professionalized employment opportunities, which in turn, will help make the hotel industry an even more compelling place to work. READ MORE

Coming up in March 1970...