Magnums Academy: How Will Your Team React to the New Era of Guests Post Covid19?
Service With a Smile and a Mask!
"Enough of the rules!"
We may hear this more than we care to in the next few months……..
But, how your team will react to guests after all this is over will be crucial. Guests are going to be very different after this 2020 event, just when you thought your team could handle guests complaining about a variety of things (not that I am suggesting that all guests will do....), the reality cry will be 'I have had enough of rules, regulations and guidelines, perditions about the new or next normal, I just want to get on with my life and enjoy myself!'
The key word is empathy. A word that has been bandied around for years, not everyone understood it, not everyone has it, nor will some ever get it. But right now we are all in the midst of gaining it first hand.
Not to be affected by this pandemic would, at best, be described as lucky and at worst unfortunate. Now is the time to really understand this word and make plans for how your team enable it as a tool for your success in handling the next trend in hospitality: the rebel guest!
In a perfect world one would hope that having gone through all of this, guests would become more empathetic, more given to understanding that things sometimes go wrong, that we have to have some guidelines that should be followed. But, Ladies and Gentlemen, I fear that it is not always going to be the case.
You, as an individual, have experienced what this is all about, so what lessons have you learned? If you felt anxiety, sadness and frustration, so did everyone else. If you got mad, angry and frightened so did most other people. If you criticised, or even praised, the lawmakers and governments then you are definitely not alone. If, by chance, you thought it would never end or that the world would never be the same again, then join the club: the new style of hospitality (not a new standard - I believe the future of our industry has to tone down our use of the negative words such as rules, laws, and regulations)is just around the corner.
When you reflect on and understand how you feel about the ramifications of this pandemic, then you are already practising for this new challenge of 'rebellious guests'. The dictionary describes a rebel as someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action or as someone who wants to break with established customs.
Do you, right now, feel the same way? Are you ready to take on the challenge? What is it going to take? Now more than ever we need to put yourself in that guests' shoes. And for the first time in the history of the world everyone is in the same boat and on the same page.
Asking yourself the biggest question will help. "How will you want to be treated after all this is over?"
With honesty, care, understanding and genuine kindness!
What about our guests, in addition to the rebellious, such as the frustrated, fearful, more demanding, simply relieved they can travel again, impatient, blasé, angry and even happy? How do they want to be treated?
With honesty, care, understanding and genuine kindness!
Graciously allowing people to do as they please within certain parameters may not be that easy, but imagine how much more comfortable a guest will feel if you can give that impression of freedom - the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints. The key will be learning how to frame your comments or statements in such a way that the guest will not feel these restraints. So perhaps adopting a new script that incorporates words that are more gracious, knowing, quietly informed and kind.
More than ever the guest is going to need reassurance, a sense that everything will be alright. It would be great if we could rely on some guests, in the new era we face, that are more accepting and understanding of the 'rules and regs', but that may be just a pipe dream…..
Social distancing alone is dramatically going to change and, perhaps, cramp our service style for a while, people's outlook has changed, their perspective is different, their needs may be different. We will be entering a new era of body language, adapting to new standards, enhanced speaking and listening techniques, developing new service styles, on top of all the mindset shifts on hygiene , health and safety.
So much to think about, as we endeavour to revive the traditions and true spirit of hospitality. The Great Habits of Service still remain, and with an ongoing spirit of generosity, those personalised experiences are going to be even more appreciated. Inspiring your team will take a lot of energy to create within them a new spirit of generosity, face the reality of Post Covid19 guests and maintain the same smiling and superb level of service even with a mask on!
About Magnums Academy Pty Ltd
Director/Principal Trainer
Magnums Academy Pty Ltd
T: 614-195-33834
E: [email protected]
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